We've made it through another intramural volleyball season!
The Big Green Machine from our South Campus reigned victorious this year, and I will write to you about them shortly.
In the meanwhile, I'd like to tell you something I saw that has to do with the Blue Team. The Blues had the JOY!
Now that's pretty interesting given that the Blues won a grand total of zero matches over the course of the season. We're talkin' egg (Get it? An egg is sort of round and looks like a zero)!
How come they're happy, or even more, how'd they get the JOY?
It was the coaches.
Mr. Hank, Mr. Eric and Miss Mary knew that when the season started that they had very few players that could get a serve over the net. They knew that only a couple of their team had much interest in the win-loss records of our intramural volleyball teams. They knew that things more important than volleyball would have to become primary in order for their team to be successful.
They began to inject joy. During one of their practices, I heard a loud commotion in the gym. I got up to check it out. What I found was coaches and kids laughing and playing hysterically together. The coaches were shouting joy; they were assigning nicknames; and they were doing weird drills. The kids were having a blast. The players were bonding to these coaches, and the players were bonding to one another.
At their final match they came O SO CLOSE to winning! But even in a close defeat in which they almost tasted numerical victory, they could look over at their coaches and receive "the joy." I call that a WIN!
Stuff like this always gets me to thinkin'. I am reminded of John 15, you remember, the one about the Vine and the branches. As long as the branches (that's us) remain in the Vine (that's Jesus), we will bear much fruit. Apart from the Vine (that's Jesus) the branches (that's us) can do nothing.
As long as the Blues had the mindset and affirmation of those three coaches, they had the JOY.
Jesus said, "If you obey My commands, you will remain in My love, just as I have obeyed My Father's commands and remain in His love. I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete."
I call that downright awesome! Let's pray about it! Dear Lord, thank You for providing Your complete joy and unconditional affirmation to us at all times. And even when things are not going how we would like, we are so grateful that if we remain in You, we can show the fruit of Your Spirit to everyone who 's watching. In Jesus' name, Amen
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
There are places we meet God, and there are places we meet each other. Sometimes they are the same place...and those are the places that are full of His JOY! Psalm 16:11

Friday, March 30, 2012
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
In His Presence
There are times that I wish everyone could be there to see something that just a few of us get to see.
So it was a couple of Thursdays ago. Some of you were there - about 40 singers from our South Campus, 3 young men from our North Campus, one teacher and a dozen chaperoning moms were on hand.
What happened? Well, let me try to tell you, but let me warn you in advance - it might be one of those "I guess you had to be there" times.
Seventh and Eighth grade Chaplains from CVCA came to our South Campus to give a wonderful chapel. Ian Yoder, a CHCS graduate, did much of the speaking. Wow, we were sure proud of him! Many of the students on the CVCA ministry team were CHCS graduates as well. In the process we were invited to lead in a chapel for CVCA seventh and eighth graders.
The day arrived - Thursday, March 8th. We loaded our Worship Team on the bus. Now, our Worship Team doesn't consist of two singers, a guitar player, a guy on bass and a drummer. No, we're sportin' a 40 voice choir with Mrs. Martin on the keyboard!
We arrived with about three minutes to spare, our kids mounted the risers in their matching uniforms and God, Himself, moved into the chapel. "Blessed Be The Name" was first, and it was like they'd been doing this all their lives. Then Ethan stepped to the mic and led us in "Open the Eyes of My Heart." God was not only in the chapel, but now He was moving in the hearts of all of us. A standing ovation erupted from the congregation.
Will and Hudson shared about Guatemala, by focusing on God's Word (which, by the way, "will not return void"). Then Sumara and Hailey sang in front of our group the great song, "I Know My Redeemer Lives." Another standing ovation from the congregation.
Eric recited Psalm 15 from memory; and again, I was reminded that God's Word does not return void. The message was simple: "Who Can Hang Out With God?" Eric had already said it, "Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts."
In a chapel that was focused on God's presence and God's Word, we experienced God's presence!
Well, I have continued to get e mails about what a blessing the time there at CVCA was for all who were in attendance. Thanks to all who served in those moments so faithfully, so we could all know God more deeply.
Yep, wish all of you had been there.
Let's thank Him: Dear Heavenly Father, we asked You to help us honor You with our lives and ministry when You gave us opportunity to serve You. Thank You for being so faithful in allowing us to be used by You for Your glory. I pray this in the name and nature of Jesus, Amen.
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
So it was a couple of Thursdays ago. Some of you were there - about 40 singers from our South Campus, 3 young men from our North Campus, one teacher and a dozen chaperoning moms were on hand.
What happened? Well, let me try to tell you, but let me warn you in advance - it might be one of those "I guess you had to be there" times.
Seventh and Eighth grade Chaplains from CVCA came to our South Campus to give a wonderful chapel. Ian Yoder, a CHCS graduate, did much of the speaking. Wow, we were sure proud of him! Many of the students on the CVCA ministry team were CHCS graduates as well. In the process we were invited to lead in a chapel for CVCA seventh and eighth graders.
The day arrived - Thursday, March 8th. We loaded our Worship Team on the bus. Now, our Worship Team doesn't consist of two singers, a guitar player, a guy on bass and a drummer. No, we're sportin' a 40 voice choir with Mrs. Martin on the keyboard!
We arrived with about three minutes to spare, our kids mounted the risers in their matching uniforms and God, Himself, moved into the chapel. "Blessed Be The Name" was first, and it was like they'd been doing this all their lives. Then Ethan stepped to the mic and led us in "Open the Eyes of My Heart." God was not only in the chapel, but now He was moving in the hearts of all of us. A standing ovation erupted from the congregation.
Will and Hudson shared about Guatemala, by focusing on God's Word (which, by the way, "will not return void"). Then Sumara and Hailey sang in front of our group the great song, "I Know My Redeemer Lives." Another standing ovation from the congregation.
Eric recited Psalm 15 from memory; and again, I was reminded that God's Word does not return void. The message was simple: "Who Can Hang Out With God?" Eric had already said it, "Those who lead blameless lives and do what is right, speaking the truth from sincere hearts."
In a chapel that was focused on God's presence and God's Word, we experienced God's presence!
Well, I have continued to get e mails about what a blessing the time there at CVCA was for all who were in attendance. Thanks to all who served in those moments so faithfully, so we could all know God more deeply.
Yep, wish all of you had been there.
Let's thank Him: Dear Heavenly Father, we asked You to help us honor You with our lives and ministry when You gave us opportunity to serve You. Thank You for being so faithful in allowing us to be used by You for Your glory. I pray this in the name and nature of Jesus, Amen.
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Our very awesome Preschoolers at Chapel Hill Christian School couldn't get much cooler!
Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Truthan do such a remarkable job teaching these three and four year olds about Jesus.
Something I found out about these little guys is that they interact with me like I was just another kid in their class. I like that. They do this minus one distinguishing feature: they have given me a title.
They call me MissrPassr Wilson. How do they arrive at this foreign language? Well, they know I'm Mister Wilson because there is a Mrs. Wilson, my wife, who teaches pre-kindergarten. And they know that I am a pastor. When they hook it all together and leave out those difficult "Ts", it comes out "missrpassr."
The amazing thing is that this title has been issued to me on both north and south campuses in preschool and the preschoolers never interact between campuses. I guess it's a preschool thing!
One morning I was standing in the hall and heard, "MissrPassr Wilson, MissrPassr Wilson!" When I could find no person attached to the call, I thought maybe I was beginning to hear voices! I was finally able, however, to locate the caller after the third "MissrPassr Wilson!" There sticking her head out from underneath the stall in the bathroom was one of our precious preschoolers just tryin' to make a little conversation, cuz' she heard my voice in the hallway.
So you know that this kinda thing, gets me to thinkin'!
These little people want to show their respect, so they say "Missr." They also want to show love, affection and identity, so they say "Passr."
It's the kind of relationship into which God invites us through Christ. First, there must be a holy awe of God as our creator. Hebrews 12:28-29 comes to mind, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."
And, through Jesus, God invites us into friendship, as well. Remember Jesus talking with His disciples about "Vines and Branches," when He said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his mater's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I have made known to you."
If we have a "MissrPassr" in heaven, we ought to call out to Him from wherever we are and whenever we can. These preschoolers are challenging us, aren't they? If we hear God's voice, we ought to call back with reverence, awe and love to the One who loved us and gave Himself for us!
Let's pray about it! Most Awesome and Holy Father, we want You to talk to us. And when You do, we promise to listen and talk back. Thank You for being our God and our Friend! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Proud of you,
MissrPassr Wilson
Mrs. Jennings and Mrs. Truthan do such a remarkable job teaching these three and four year olds about Jesus.
Something I found out about these little guys is that they interact with me like I was just another kid in their class. I like that. They do this minus one distinguishing feature: they have given me a title.
They call me MissrPassr Wilson. How do they arrive at this foreign language? Well, they know I'm Mister Wilson because there is a Mrs. Wilson, my wife, who teaches pre-kindergarten. And they know that I am a pastor. When they hook it all together and leave out those difficult "Ts", it comes out "missrpassr."
The amazing thing is that this title has been issued to me on both north and south campuses in preschool and the preschoolers never interact between campuses. I guess it's a preschool thing!
One morning I was standing in the hall and heard, "MissrPassr Wilson, MissrPassr Wilson!" When I could find no person attached to the call, I thought maybe I was beginning to hear voices! I was finally able, however, to locate the caller after the third "MissrPassr Wilson!" There sticking her head out from underneath the stall in the bathroom was one of our precious preschoolers just tryin' to make a little conversation, cuz' she heard my voice in the hallway.
So you know that this kinda thing, gets me to thinkin'!
These little people want to show their respect, so they say "Missr." They also want to show love, affection and identity, so they say "Passr."
It's the kind of relationship into which God invites us through Christ. First, there must be a holy awe of God as our creator. Hebrews 12:28-29 comes to mind, "Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire."
And, through Jesus, God invites us into friendship, as well. Remember Jesus talking with His disciples about "Vines and Branches," when He said, "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his mater's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from My Father I have made known to you."
If we have a "MissrPassr" in heaven, we ought to call out to Him from wherever we are and whenever we can. These preschoolers are challenging us, aren't they? If we hear God's voice, we ought to call back with reverence, awe and love to the One who loved us and gave Himself for us!
Let's pray about it! Most Awesome and Holy Father, we want You to talk to us. And when You do, we promise to listen and talk back. Thank You for being our God and our Friend! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Proud of you,
MissrPassr Wilson
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