One of his goals is to study Electrical Engineering and teach and serve through business in that area. Wow! What fantastic goals Aaron!
So we started talkin' about what makes a good teacher. Here's what we've decided:
- A good teacher knows his stuff. Teachers should know and love their topic.
- A good teacher is humble about how he shares what he knows.
- A good teacher instructs with an "uprising hope" which allows his students to enjoy the learning.
- A good teacher is always patient; he takes time to make sure his students "get it" and doesn't become annoyed with them when they struggle.
- A good teacher has joy - God's JOY - and shares it with his students.
So these ideas got us to thinkin' about Jesus talkin' with His disciples right before He went to be with His Father in Heaven. You know the verses, right? They are there in John chapter 15.
Here's what it says: I have told you this so that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. Who's joy? Jesus'! What kind of joy? Perfect or complete joy! Wow!
But what had Jesus told them that would bring this kind of joy? Living in Him like a branch keeps living in a tree and obeying what He says gives us perfect JOY!
Super job, Aaron! I think you're gonna be a great teacher!
Let's have a good prayer...
Dear Father in Heaven, we pray for our teachers at the end of this school year; give them joy. And teach us all to have this wonderful fruit of Your Holy Spirit - JOY - as we serve you in the lives of others. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
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