Have you driven a bumper boat? Matthew and I drove one recently.
A bumper boat has two buttons. One is green for "go". The other is blue for "shoot". Shoot a stream of water, that is. I was operating the green button; Matthew had the blue.
The trouble came in when I couldn't get the green button to make our boat go straight. Matthew, who was pushing the blue button for all he was worth, was struggling to do much more than shoot water. He wasn't really making many direct hits on other boaters. Oh, by the way, did I mention that the idea is to "super-soak" your friends who are driving the other boats?
On the other hand, Alex had learned how to get his boat to go in the direction he wanted it to go. By using his blue button, he was able to send a waterfall our way that landed directly on my forehead. Yes, I was "super-soaked"!
It reminded me of some verses in the Bible from Psalm 25:4-5: "Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in You."
When we walk on God's straight path and put our trust in Him, the actions of our lives will not "miss the mark". We'll be "on target" and please God by letting Him lead us and teach us.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for showing us the straight path. Give us courage to walk with You by letting You lead and teach us each day. Then the things we do and say for You will be "right on target" and please Your heart.
Proud of you!
Pastor Wilson
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