Well, we all know that "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
Well, at least most of us think that, don't we?
Well, I hope you believe that!
Some people have other ideas about how it all got started, but I was with a group of you the other day who all thought it happened like it's written: "In the beginning God..." So I had this really hard question: "Why is it so important that we believe that God created the heavens and the earth?"
I was hoping that one of you kids had a good answer, because I wasn't sure I had an answer myself...at least not one that everyone would understand.
No one raised their hand. I started thinking, "Uh oh." But I sucked in a deep breath and asked my really hard question again.
Katie raised her hand. I blew out the breath I had sucked in and called on her. She said confidently with a very thoughtful look on her face, "Well, its important to know who created you; because if you don't, you won't have a real purpose for living. And if you don't have a purpose for living, well, everything will just be chaos."
WHOA, you better read that answer again!
Class dismissed, cuz I simply can't improve on that!
Prayer: Help us be thankful today and everyday that You created us...and all we see and know. Thank you for giving us the purpose of glorifying you with our lives. Help us to know how to do that by listening to Your Holy Spirit and reading Your Word. And thank you that instead of living in and feeling chaos all the time, we can know Your "peace that passes understanding."
Philippians 4:6-7,
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
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