Friday, September 2, 2011

Hoss's Backyard

Like I was saying, I have a big dog, no, a really big dog, named Hoss.  Hoss is the best dog we've ever had.

He is friendly; Sprocket, our last dog liked to bite people.

He does not eat our house or furniture; Mookie our second to last dog, liked to tear into the flour and shake it all over the house.  Mookie ate my running shoes the day before I was to run a marathon.

Hoss always acts the same - just like a big friendly Hoss.  Magee, our third to last dog, was not always in right mind. Magee would wag his tail in a very friendly way while he was showing his fangs and growling.  Who knows what he was thinking...?

Hoss has always had to be on a leash when he was outside, because he liked to run up and down our street visiting people and other dogs.  Now he has a fenced in backyard.

He just goes out into the yard and chases squirrels and possums and birds; but he is safe, because there is a fence that keeps him out of the street.  The only place he can go is back into the house.

I got to thinkin' about Hoss's fenced backyard, and ya know, it's kinda like rules that parents, grandparents and teachers make for us.  Rules are important, because they keep us safe, but they also keep us free.  As long as we keep the rules set by God in His word and set by godly parents and teachers, we will experience safety and freedom.  This gives us the feeling of joy!  Everyone wants to know joy, especially God's joy!

What is the greatest rule?  Jesus answered this question in Mark 12:30-31 when He said, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."  Then He said that there was a second rule like it: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

When we keep these two rules, we are in the fence of God's love.  We will put Him, and His way, first, and love those people He brings across our path.   

Let's pray about stayin' in the fence: Lord, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, help us obey Your rules, so that we will know the joy of Your freedom.

Proud of you,
Pastor John

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