Friday, September 16, 2011

More Porpoises

I keep trying to write about large fish, but what I really mean is purposes.  

So today I need you to remember two people from other blog entries: Mrs. Ausbury and one of our sixth graders (the students we look up to) named John.  Mrs. Ausbury was talking to us this week at north campus about finding our purpose.  John has good ideas for the breakfast blog.  His last idea was about his sister, Laura getting poison remember?

John is a bee keeper.  Yes, he really keeps bees in his backyard.  He keeps these bees not because he likes to get bee stings or because he likes the color yellow or because he finds flying insects particularly interesting.  He keeps bees for one purpose and one purpose only: honey.

He told me that bees have one purpose.  The result of all their building of hives and moving pollen about is honey.  I've actually tasted some of John's honey on my morning toast.  It was delicious!

All this talk of purposes and bees got John and me to thinkin'.  If we were to try to reduce our purposes down to just one, what would that one purpose be?  Well, Jesus said His goal was to glorify His Father in Heaven.  In John 17:4 Jesus prayed, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do."  The Apostle Paul said it this way, "So we make it our goal to please Him (the Lord), whether we are at home in the body or away from it (II Corinthians 5:9)."

If we were only allowed to have one purpose, it would be to please and bring glory to God.  

How do we do it?  

Jesus said He met the goal by completing the work God gave Him; it's called obedience.  The book of Hebrews says that without faith it is impossible to please God.  Obedience and Faith!  So our porpoise, no I mean purpose, is to obey what He is calling us to be and to do.  Then we must have faith in Him for how He chooses to respond to our obedience.  Now that is an awesome purpose!

Could we pray about that? Lord Jesus, would You give us the courage to obey You, so that we could bring You glory.  Then will You give us Your faith, so that we can trust You for the wonderful things You want to do when we obey.  In Your Name, Amen.

Proud of You,
Pastor Wilson 

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