The kindergarten class let me come in to chat last week. It was way cool. I got to sit on the rocker; they all sat on the reading rug. We were rappin'! No, not nappin; that's what they did in the afternoon after my visit.
The kindergarten class had been talkin' about things like receiving Jesus and what heaven is like. Mrs. Wise invited me in to hear their thoughts and have a "convo" with them. I started in on these topics and as kindergarteners will do, they listened for a while. I realized after a bit that it was their turn to talk, because several of them had their hands in the air. They wanted the "convo" to go two ways.
Their topics for the day were not heaven and Jesus; their topics centered around the loss we experience when a pet dies and...rainbows. It may not be easy to see how those two subjects are related, but on that day they were for our kindergarteners. God seemed to be in our conversation, though, because it kept coming back to Him and his Word.
This conversation or "convo" with these awesome kindergarteners got me to thinkin' about prayer. I've been reading about prayer lately, and it may be that our kindergarteners are onto something. Prayer is not so much about coming to a talk with God with a definite set of things I need to tell Him and then walking away from the "convo." Prayer is much more two-way. It is talking and listening and listening and talking.
Prayer is not thirty-five minutes of talking over requests and five minutes of praying. It is more soaking in the company and presence of God. And prayer never ends with me as the result or focus; it always goes back to God and His will and purposes as recorded in His Word.
Soaking in the presence of these kindergarteners was the best part of last Friday for me. They had to teach me how to do it; but once I put my speech away, I saw how patient and kind they could be with me. After that it was easy - listen and talk and talk and listen.
Let's pray about prayer! Dear Lord, make us people of prayer. Instead of "request-ers", we want to be "pray-ers." Thank You for being patient and kind with the praying we do now, but don't let us get stuck just speaking at You. Help us learn to converse with You in awe and wonder! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson
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