Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Soccer Invitational

Yep, they let me in the soccer game this week.  This was no ordinary game of soccer; this was stereo soccer.  I want you to imagine it!  There were two games of soccer, one a fourth grade game and one a fifth grade game, going on on the same field!  But that's not all; in the northeast corner of the same exact field a very active game of kickball for all comers was going on as well!  Rumor has it that sometimes, just sometimes, a game of sixth grade football breaks out in the midst.  Oh my!

I watched for just a little while, and noticed that the fifth grade boys were letting two girls play.  I thought, "Wow, that's nice of those boys; maybe I'll join the team the girls are on to help them out just a bit."

Guess I was about to be "schooled."  I should've watched a little more closely.  These girls didn't need my help.  Oh yeah, sure, they let me play and kick around with them, but they didn't need me on their team.

Yep, Kenzie and Claudia didn't need me to play, but they wanted me to play.  Sure, they could stop the ball on a dime and change directions, and they could pass directly to each other's feet.  They could, while moving quickly down the field, fake a kick, moving the goalie to one side; and then put the ball in the net.  While I'm the type that shoots the ball directly at the goalie's chest, so that if he remains perfectly still and closes his eyes, he will typically stop my shot.  Even so, Kenzie and Claudia, George, Nick and Aaron invited me to play.

This got me to thinkin' about the wonder of God inviting us to do His work.  Did you know that God, who has all power and knowledge and who is everywhere at all times, doesn't really need us to do His work.  Even though He doesn't need us, He invites us to join Him in the marvelous things He is doing.  Some of the great things He is accomplishing are going on right here at Chapel Hill Christian School.

Do remember when God was teaching Moses about humility and honesty?  Moses asked God what His name was.  God said, "Tell them I AM THAT I AM."  Do you remember the three things we talked about that this name means? 1) God exists.  2) God exists at all times.  3) God exists by Himself or without help.  

No, He doesn't need you and me, but because He loves us He invites to be in a friendship with Him and to join Him in all the amazing things He is doing.  Isn't that awesome?!

Let's thank Him for that this morning!  Dear Lord, Thank You for the invitation of Your love.  Thank You for allowing us to join You in the great things You are doing.  As another group gets ready to go to Guatemala, we pray for the members of the team for protection and for a sense of joy that each one is getting to work with You in all You are doing there.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson  

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