Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What's Integrity?

Some of our sixth grade boys let me hang out with them a couple weeks ago.  We got to talkin' about what it means to be a man and about things we could do to help our school.

A couple of things we decided that make a good man are 1) to see what needs to be done, make a plan and do it, and 2) to always do my part without making excuses.  It's called integrity!  

Several of the guys thought that starting a boys Bible study would really help the school.  They started to make some beginning plans for starting the Bible study.

I'm thinkin' like, "OK... nice talk."

I guess the sixth grade boys were thinkin' like, "Let's do this thing!"

The next thing I knew, I heard that not only had they organized the Bible study; but they'd already held it twice.  Yep, they were spending Friday lunch times to study God's Word together.  It's called integrity!

All this talk about integrity, as well as, the acting out of integrity by the guys, got me to thinkin' about Jesus.  Three times in both the book of Matthew and Mark, Jesus told His students that He was going to Jerusalem to be crucified on a cross (See Mark 8-10 or Matthew 16-20).  It would have been a bit easier for Jesus to say, "OK, guys,... nice talk."  And then He could have avoided going to the cross.  On the very night of His arrest He said, "Father, let this cup pass from me, but not My will, but Thine be done!"

God provided eternal life to all who would believe, because Jesus did what He said He was going to do with making excuses or blaming anyone else.

It's called integrity!  Kinda like those sixth grade boys - the ones we look up to.

Let's pray for God to help us.  Dear Father, in Heaven, we know that we don't always follow through on our word.  Give us Your strength, Your courage and Your integrity so that we follow Your call on our lives!  In Jesus' name, Amen.

Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson

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