Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pure JOY!

I ran into Natalie and Leah the other day at school.  They were helping their mom set up her classroom cuz’ she’s a teacher at CHCS.  While they were takin’ a little break, I thought I’d try to strike up a talk with them.

I wasn’t sure, but I thought they might have just been on a trip to Guatemala with Mrs. Hall and their mom and dad.  I ask them about it.

Yep, they’d been there all right, cuz’ their faces started to beam when they started talkin’ about it.  I asked them,  “What was most important thing you got out of your trip?”

Smiling from ear to ear they said, “The people we met there were so full of joy.  They have so little, but they have so much joy.”

Of course, then I got to thinkin’.  Does the addition to our lives of things like TVs, video games, toys (for little people or big people), other possessions and money take us away from joy?  Where does joy come from anyway? 

The Bible says, in John 15, that joy comes from remaining in God’s love.  It comes from living connected to Jesus in such a way that we are like a branch connected to tree.  We get all our life from Him, and without Him we can do nothing!

Soooooo, it’s not the things that are bad; it’s when we let the things separate us from our deep friendship with Jesus.  Joy comes from being so connected to Jesus that we use the things He gives us to please Him.  We should never let our things use us in a way that keeps us from being friends with Jesus.

School is about to start and I hope you are as excited as I am!  Let’s stay connected to Jesus all year long; so no matter what we have or don’t have, we will have His JOY!

John 15:11,
Proud of you,
Pastor Wilson

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